To Part I:
The Ecosystem and Plant Diversity Acknowledgements: Field trip 'kakis' helped in many ways, especially Cheryl Tan, Cynthia Lee, Alvin Wong, Joelle Lai, Hazel Sim and Jon Sigurdsson. Sungei Buloh Nature Park staff were always helpful during our many visits there. Thanks to the student assistants who helped out in the various mangrove surveys in the 80's and 90's. Thanks are due to Anne Dhanaraj for seeing this project through and Zurainah Ahmid for her patient work with the book's layout. Lian Lay Cheng gave us access to her very helpful honours thesis. Thanks also to Ali lbrahim, Lena Chan, Y. C. Wee, Adrian Loo and Sungei Buloh Nature Park for the use of their slides. Thanks also to Cynthia Lee, Choong Mei Fun and Elaine Quahe who trooped down on Vesak Day to help out. Chapter credits: Introduction - H.T.W. Tan, P.K.L. Ng and N. Sivasothi Mangrove Forests in Singapore - N. Sivasothi and H. T. W. Tan The Ecosystem - N. Sivasothi, H. T. W. Tan and D. H. Murphy. Areas to visit - H. T. W. Tan and N. Sivasothi Economic value - H.T.W. Tan and P.K.L. Ng Conservation in Singapore - N. Sivasothi and H.T.W. Tan Fungi - T. K. Tan Algae; Plants - H. T. W. Tan, B. C. Soong and T. Morgany Photo credits: The authors, Lian Lay Cheng (soils), Y. C. Wee (Acrosticum speciosum habit), Lena Chan (Kandelia candel flowers), Adrian Loo (oily plants), Ali lbrahim (Sonneratia caseolaris flower), Sungei Buloh Nature Park and Systematics & Ecology Lab. To Part II: Animal Diversity Acknowledgements: Thanks to our many field trip 'kakis' especially: Cher@ Tan, Alvin Wong, Cynthia lee, Joelle Lai and Hazel Sim. Over the years, Jon B. Sigurdsson shared many illuminating discussions with us on various aspects of the mangrove ecosystem. The staff of Sungei Buloh Nature Park staff have always extended their hospitality to us whenever we visited the park and its environs. Our drivers Segar, Alen & Won, were always tolerant of strange destinations, flexible timings and muddy students! Thanks to Ann Dhanaraj of the Science Centre (Head of Life Sciences) for helping us with the publication in numerous ways, and Wee Toon Cheng (Graphic Artist) for her excellent and dilligent work with the book. Cynthia Lee graciously dug out Paddy Murphy's insect photos and Mrs C. M. Yang helped us with the water insects. The theses of some of Paddy's honours students including Serena Teo, Giovanni Cordeiro and Joanna Lee, provided very useful observations which we used. Ng Bee Choo, Halilah Bte Ahmad, Linda Goh and Pauline Tan helpfully searched for some slides and maps we needed. Thanks to all of them and everyone else listed below who provided photos. Photo credits: The authors & Morten Strange (most of the bird pictures), Tan Tze Siong (Pied fantail), Francis lim (snakes), Robert Teo (Crab-eating frog & Nectar bat), Lim Liang Jim (Mangrove skink), Liu Hong-Chong (Scylla sp.), Tan Bee Hong, Yasuhiko Tanokuchi (drawings of pselaphid beetles), Sungei Buloh Nature Park, Joseph Koh (Spiders), Serena Teo, Cynthia Lee, Jon B. Sigurdsson, members of the Systematics & Ecology Lab: Tommy Tan, Cheryl Tan, Diana Chia, Tan Swee Hee, Tan Heok Hui and Cai Yixiong. |
What is mangrove?
Introduction The Ecosystem Abiotic Biotic Value Intro Products Indirect uses Potential uses About Mangroves in Singapore History Mangroves to visit Conservation |
From "A Guide to Mangroves of Singapore", Peter K. L. Ng and N. Sivasothi (editors) Volume 1: The Ecosystem and Plant Diversity and Volume 2: Animal Diversity Authors: Kelvin K. P. Lim, Dennis H. Murphy, T. Morgany, N. Sivasothi, Peter K. L. Ng, B. C. Soong, Hugh T. W. Tan, K. S. Tan & T. K. Tan BP Guide to Nature Series published by the Singapore Science Centre, sponsored by British Petroleum © 2001 Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research, The National University of Singapore & The Singapore Science Centre |