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Index of flora
Index of fauna
Kingdom Plantae | Division Spermatophyta
  Class Dicotyledoneae
Only a few species are able to survive along the shore,
where fresh water is difficult to obtain and keep.

Photo by Kang NeeAmbong-Ambong
Scaevola taccada
Family Goodeniaceae
Order Campanulales

This shrub has small but long white flowers which are typically split in the middle on one side, and are bee-pollinated. (Height 3-5m).

Sea Hibiscus
Hibiscus tiliaceous
Family Malvaceae
Order Malvales

It has characteristic yellow flowers, often with a maroon- coloured centre, belonging to the same family as the garden hibiscus (Height 3-8m).

Photo by Kang Nee Tapak Kuda
Ipomoea pescaprae
Family Convolvulaceae
Order Tubiflorae

This species is one of the early colonisers of the supralittoral sandy shore. Its creeping stem spreads rapidly and forms a cover over the sand, the accumulating humus and roots helping to bind the sand grains to form a stable soil. It is related to the sweet potato, kang kong and morning glory. (Leaves 8-10cm diameter).

Sea Holly
Family Acanthaceae
Order Tubiflorae

They are hollow-stemmed shrubs 1 to 2 metres in height. They have white flowers and prickly, serrated-margin, sharp-pointed leaves. These plants are able to secrete the excess salt absorbed from brackish muddy water through their leaves.
Shore environment
From A Guide to Seashore Life by Dr Leo W H Tan and Peter K L Ng
Published by the Singapore Science Centre and sponsored by BP

@Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research and Singapore Science Centre